請捐款給日本 Donation to Japan (紅十字會、GlobalGiving、Medical Teams等)

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公益團體:中華民國紅十字會 (台灣本土)

  • 發佈日期:2011/03/11
  • 截止日期:2011/04/11
  • 目標金額:20,000,000元
  • 已捐金額:15,248,357元
  • 尙  缺:4,751,643元
  • 捐款筆數:9037筆
  • 專案捐款達成率:

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Raised 已湊足
金額數以美金為主 $USD

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Red Cross 全世界第一大捐款救援組織
金額數以美金為主 $USD
Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters. 

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Medical Teams:全世界第一大醫療救援組織
金額數以美金為主 $USD
Medical Teams International has been in touch with its partners throughout Asia to see how we can best help following the devastating 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan on March 11. The good news is many of our church partners report their workers are safe. Please pray for all those affected by this disaster.

We have put our disaster response volunteers on alert. As soon as we know if these volunteers are needed, we will mobilize them. Please watch this website for details or sign up for updates on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

You can also donate today to our worldwide disasters preparedness fund.

